This term is used to cover all the symptoms associated with drinking too much alcohol.
Excessive alcohol dehydrates the body, dilates the blood vessels in your head and reduces blood sugar levels, causing hangover.
- feeling tired
- throbbing headache and dizziness
- dehydration and thirst
- sensitivity to noise and light
- sweating and interrupted sleep
- nausea and sickness
- red, bloodshot eyes
- shaking and tremors
- drinking plenty of water as well as alcohol,alterneting them if it possible
- always try to eat a meal before drinking alcohol
- avoid dark-coloured drinks, such as red wine, port and brandy-stick to white wine or clear spirits.
Drink plenty of water and isotonic drinks to counter dehydration.
Herbal Remedies---> Make a soothing cup of dandelion (or "detox infusion" with mixed herbs that you can find in a herbalist shop)
Aromatherapy---> relax in a warm bath to wich you have added a couple of drops of juniper and fennel essential oil
Nutritional Medicine---> Have a large glass of fruit juice to rehydrate you. Orange, grapefruit and tomato juice all contain fructose, a natural sugar wich helps your body to metabolise the alcohol faster. Sip some vegetable bouillon, or make a milkshake with a fresh banana and honey.
However, if you drink heavily and often wake up with hangover, you have a serious problem and you should seek expert medical help.
NOTE: even the following day you may still be over the legal limit for driving, and it is also sensible not to operate any heavy machinery.
Avete bevuto troppo? (alcool) ecco coa fare:
Un ccessivo consumo di alcool disidrata il corpo, dilata i vasi e riduce i livelli di zucchero nel sangue.
Come prevenire?
bevete tanta acqua , mangiate prima di bere alcool, evitate di bere troppo bevande di colore scuro come il vino rosso
Rimedi naturali:
- bere tanta acqua per reidratare il corpo;
- bere una tisana detossificante, ad esempio contenente tarasaco per depurarsi;
- bere del succo di frutta, perchè il fruttosio aiuta a metabolizzare meglio l'alcool
- fare un bagno rilassante aggiungendo all'acqua qualche goccia di essenza di ginepro e finocchio;
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