martedì 12 gennaio 2016


The appearance of your skin and hair reflects your state of health and is an important barometer of your general wellbeing.
In fact, skin and hair problems should be taken seriously as they are sometimes signs of underlying illness.

Natural blemish-free skin and shiny, healthy hair depend as much on good nutrition and healthy lifestyle as the conventional and natural products and remedies you use on them.

Your kin is the largest organ in your body (over 15 per cnt of your body eight) and it constantly renews itself during a fourweek cycle. It protects the skeletal system, muscles and organs; it help mantain a constant body temeperature; and its specialised cells perform essential functions. Vitamin D is produced when it is exposed to sunlight; and its nerve endings sense pain, itching,blisters an redness can all be symptoms of allergic reactions, hormonal changes or illness.

Your body is covered in hair, wit the exceptions of the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet.
Most of it is soft and downy, but it grows more profusely on your head and its condiction is affected by your diet, environment and general healt.
On everage, 100 to 150 of the 300000 hairs in your scalp are shed every day and are replaced by new hairs as part of the natural growth cycle.

Caring for your skin and hair will keep them looking good and help you to spot tell-tale of underlying health problems, so you can treat them effectively before they get worse.

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