These substances are known as "allergens"; they cause the immune system to over-react and produce a special type of antibody (IgE) to attac the invading material, while histamines are released wich cause the symptoms of an allergic reaction.
Common allergens include foods, pollens,spores,drugs,household chemicals, insect, animals and dust mites.
Sneezing and rhinitis
excess catarrh
itchy eyes,ears,lips,throat and palate
shortness of breath
sickness, vomiting and diarrohea
There is a little that can be done to prevent allergies, apart from avoiding the allergens in question.
The cause of allergies is unclear; however, they have been linked to overuse of antibiotics and other drugs, low intake of fruit and vegetables and an imbalance in the bacteria in the gut, so taking steps to address these issues may help.
There is also some evidence to suggest that breastfeeding can reduce allergies in susceptible children.
Allergies may be treated with antihistamines, nasal or topical steroids, and cromolyon sodium (which prevents the release of inflammatory chemicals) These can be used alone or in combination.
Emergency treatment requires adrenaline, in the form of an injectible pen.
The traditional remedy s to take a ltle local honey in a cup of warm water with two tablespoon of aple cider vinegar to reduce the reaction to allergens. This is a particulary useful during the hay fever season.
Herbal Remedies: teas madefrom chamomile, elderflower, red clover and yarrow can reduce allergic reactions. Garlic has been traditionally used to boost immunity, either added to cooking or taken as capsules.
Aromatherapy: place a few drops of Roman chamomile in a vaporiser to treat an alergic reaction. Lavender oil, in a little light carrier oil, can be used in a gentle masage of the chest or the affected area to reduce spasm.
Food that support your immune system include those that are hight in vitamin C (fresh fruit and vegetables in particular),zinc (eggs, nuts and seeds), vitamin A (fish and brightly coloured vegetables) and Bvitamins (whole rains and nuts, seafood).
CAUTION: Anaphylaxis is an extreme and severe alergic reaction.
The whole body is affected, often within minutes of exposure to the allergen. This type of reaction is a medical emergency, and an ambulance must be called immediately.
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